Winter Arrival XP in Redhill, Surrey, England. Our church is partnering with the Brant and Kara Bauman and the IMB team in England to host a conference for missionary families who have arrived in Europe in the last six months. The goal of this conference is to onboard, encourage, and equip our missionary personnel. What will we do? We will be helping with the kids and student ministry part of this retreat. We consider it a great blessing to serve, encourage, and minister to our IMB missionary families. Who can go? High School Students to Adults
Partner: Brant and Kara Bauman Hotel: ?? Cost: $?? to the church for Airlines, Hotel, and transportation. Prepare to cover ?? meals. (The cost currently posted is approximate.) IMB Trip Link: coming soon
DestinationTripID Type ArrivalDate DepartureDate Dates Country City State/Province Destination